BACKGROUND: The color or image used to provide the base which all other elements are displayed against. All web pages, text fields, tables, and some other elements have a defined background.
BACKGROUND IMAGE: Any image used as a background for a web page or element of a web page which uses a background. Background images are usually either jpg or gif format, and should be optimized to the smallest possible file size while maintaining clarity to reduce page load times. Page backgrounds can often be small (100x100 pixel) images , which tile to create a larger pattern. By default a background image for a web page will tile automatically any time the browser window is larger than the background image dimension, which may cause an undesirable appearence.
BACKUP: A copy made of all or part of a web site. Backup are commonly run on a scheduled basis using a scrip that runs at a set day and time. Back up files are usually compressed to save space.
BANNER: An image normally containing both text and graphics, or logo, that is located at the top of a web page. Banners are usually much wider than they are tall, and may span the entire width of the page.
BASE DIRECTORY: The directory on the web server where the index (main or first) page of a web site resides. The base directory, also commonly refferred to as the webroot or root directory, is the physical location corresponding to the Domain URL (
BODY: The visible elments of a web page, unique to that page. This is generally everything, but some times a header and/or footer section is used to insert content used by every page in the site.
BORDER: A narrow outline surrounding all or part of an element of a web page, like a text field, or a table. Borders are generally used when desiring a clear separation of an element, or as part of the overall style of a site.
BROWSER: Web browser software. Most people use Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Opera, or Mozilla.
BROWSER SAFE PALLETTE: The basic 256 color pallette that formed the full set of colors windows and unix machines cold display images, or any colored object with when web browser software first became available. All modern computers can read much larger pallettes, generally 16,000,000 colors or more, but many older laptop computer and very old monitor may still only be able to use 256 colors. Using colors that are not browser safe will cause blank spots on those old displays.
BUTTON: A small graphic image which uses scripted actions to perform a specific action when a specific condition occurs. The most common are navigation button, which when the mouse is scrolled over it and the left mouse button clicked, causes a link tied to the image to load a new page. Buttons are often connected to form a navigation bar, which allows quick and easy movement within a web site.